četrtek, december 09, 2010
Hey guys:*
I know its a while since my last post, but i have a really bad time this autumn, my dad pass away on my birthday. I am really sad and i miss him so much. That's why i don't have any will for writing.
But yesterday i was so boring here in Ljubljana and i went shoping. I fall in love with this beauty Catrice nail polish-280 Lonson's weather forecast. It's such a beauty grey color with a really little silver shimmer. But here in Ljubljana it's raining and its so dark that i couldn't take good photos of this beauty, you can't see shimmer but you can see the real color.
So my dear readers what do you thing? Do you like it??
I add some konad...Flowers..because i miss summer so much.
I have a bonus photo for you;)
Its a view on a Ljubljana castle, i can see it trought my window. this photo was taken i week ago, when it was snowing.
have fun;*
Odtenek je čudovit in ti zelo lepo paše na nohte!<3
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn žal mi je za tvojega očeta...upam da čimprej posije sonček v tvoje življenje in te razveseli!
Joj sožalje ;(
OdgovoriIzbrišidrugače pa je lušten lakec.
Sožalje za očeta! Bodi močna!:(((
OdgovoriIzbrišiKar se tiče pa lakca - i love it!!!
Sožalje tudi od mene! :( *hug*
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper lak in res si ga lepo pokonadirala! :)
Joj, moje sožalje....Ne se predat....
OdgovoriIzbriši...Lepa manikura in prav čaroben razgled v tem pustem sneženem dnevu
Hvala za komentarje. Vedno preberem vse z velikim veseljem ♥