ELF- Fire coral

ponedeljek, avgust 15, 2011

Hei Lovlies*

How are you? Today i have for you one more nail polish from ELF, i must say that I love this one too. Its really fire coral, almost red. I took this photos yesterday on family trip to Logarska dolina and Pavličevo sedlo. I will show you some photos later;)
I have this one up for 4 days now and it looks like i just put it up.
I will write a reviev on ELF nail polishes later;)
Here are some photos:

Like it? or not?

Have fun!
XOXO, Anna

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  1. Like it!

    Please follow me on my new blog: http://hersatisfaction.blogspot.com/

  2. Wauuuu <3 čudovit odtenek!Jaz sem tudi ful zadovoljna z Elf lakci (samo 1 je imel čuden čopič)...pa še dolgo zdržijo na nohtih :)

  3. res maš lepe nohtke...:P dolžina, oblika :) super res:) pa še ne vem kako ti rata tko natančno nanest lak:) hehe...


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