My Current Skin Care Routine: Day & Night

četrtek, december 08, 2011

Hei Gorgeous!*

So it's time for my Skin care post! I've never done one. So I hope you will like it, and find out some useful information!
Lets start!!
All together ;)

Let me start with my NATURADERM BOTANICS- Sensitive Waschemulsion.
This is the best wash gel i ever had! Seriously is the best cleanser for sensitive skin! It wash away all my make up, dirt, and do not irritate my skin! I'm using the second bottle.
My skin is very thin, dry and sensitive. I do have some breakouts random, but since im using this cleanser i notice breakouts less often.
It coast about 10€ here in Slovenia. I bought it in Dm ;)

After cleansing my face i use my favourite toner ever! Lush Tea Tree Toner. Last summer i have so many problems with tiny pimples on my forehead, and i've heard so many good stuff about this toner and i bought it! Since then i'm using it! My pimpels on my forehead disappeared and I have less clogged pores.
I bought it in Lash and now I'm using the 4th bottle and when i run out of this one i'll bought new one! ;). It coast 8€ it think. And i have one bottle for a very long time. I just sprays my face with it and clean it with cotton pad.

I don't use any eye cream. Since i've stopped using any eye cream i notice my dark circles aren't that visible any more. So I just use my face cream Lavera Moisturizing Cream. I've talk about this cream here. I'm using it in morning. But in the evening I'm using Melvita Argan Oil.<3 I love, love, love this stuff! Such a good moisturizer for my face, i have so better skin after using this oil, I use it on my nails too! I had a lot of blackheads on my nose, I've tried so many different products that promise less visible, but nothing help, till i found out this oil. I still have blackheads on my nos, but they are less visible. I think i'll never stop using this products! I bought it in Melvita store for about 17€. It's organic, and it has one Certificate. I'm using it now for about half year and you can see how many products is still there. It have only one minus.. The package. the pump is broken and i get out so many products that i don't need and it comes out somewhere in the middle of pump and it flows down the bottle. So annoying stuff!!

Sometimes i use my Alverde Cleaning Cream but really not that often, so i still don't have a opinion about this one. And the same is with Alverde peelingmask i still don't know if i like it or not!

Occasionally i use Balea Creme Peeling. I just don't like to use peelings on my skin, ?cuz its already really thin and sensitive, but sometimes i get dry patches and i need to peel off all of the dead skin, so the moisturizer can absorbed in skin.

And when I'm having a really heavy make-up, that my Cleanser can't wash it off, I use after cleansing my Vichy Purete Thermale-Solution Micellare Demaquillante (what a long name) it's just a micelle water that can be use for make up remover or just a face cleanser. I have no idea about the price, maybe around 12€? I like it very much! And im using now the second bottle of it!

and that is a little about my skin care routine, products.. Hope you like it!
Do you use any products that I mention here?

XOXO, Anna

Next post: Products for hand care!

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  1. Zdaj si me pa čisto navdušila za Lushev tonik, moram nujno po njega :D

  2. moonchild poskusi ;) prvo ga tako lahko v majnši verziji kupiš, pa če ti odgovraja vzameš potem taveliko pakungo :D
    Ga je pa 250g in meni traja zelo dougooo;))
    je pa boljše da ga 2-4x pošpricaš po obrazu, kot pa če ga špricaš po vati;)

  3. Alverde zadevci meni pomagata, ampak se mi zdi, da nekak popušča efekt ... Zdaj razmišljam o nakupu 100 % Pure stvari, ampak mi bo potem grozil bankrot :D

  4. A res? Jooj jaz pa za te grozno oglaševane, drage naravne reči nisem.. Sem imela Essential care tonik, pa vrtično kremo pa sta mi obupno štalo naredla na obrazu. Hvala bogu za Lushev tonik, da je vse urediu.;)

  5. Grozno se mi spet masti koža, mozoljčki se mi pojavljajo in imam čudne izbruhe. :/
    Niti jaz nočem nasedat na te zadeve, ampak kaj pa vem, kolikor sem raziskala, naj bi bilo kar učinkovito, malo sem pa že obupana ... Mogoče bi pa morala še enkrat pogledat v Lush, na to na zmeraj pozabim! :) Kakšne so pa tam kaj cene?

  6. Ojoj... Mogoče poskusi z arganovim oljem? Oljne terapije so zelo dobre za mastno kožo, ker naneseš olje in potem se sama manj masti, pa še navlažiš jo dobro. Tudi mozoljškov ne povzroča! Naneseš ga zvečer, čez dan pa kakšno dobro matirno kremo ki navlaži kožo;)
    Drugače pa pri takšni koži ne uporabljaj nič preveč agresivnega, ker koža na to odreagira samo še zvečjim mastenjem, ker se želi zaščititi.
    Za Lush nimam pojma, od njih imam za obraz samo Tea tree tonik, ki je super! Drugače pa lahko na njihovi spl. strani preveriš ;))

  7. Hvala za nasvete! :) Za arganovo olje pa nisem vedela, bo treba poskusit :)

  8. Prov morem ti povedat - učeraj sem bila v Lushu (Trst) in vidim ta Tea Tree tonik, se spomnim na tole objavo in ga kupim. Sicer mi ne bi nikol padlo na pamet. Upam, da bo meni tudi tako odgovarjal :) A ti ga še uporabljaš?

  9. Nuša super! Moji kolegici je tud zlo pomagal izboljšat kožo. Vse se je spremenilo, samo tonik je še vedno isti. <3
    Si še kaj lepega kupila pri sosedih?


Hvala za komentarje. Vedno preberem vse z velikim veseljem ♥
