Maybelline The Rocket Volume Express Review

četrtek, september 26, 2013

Hi Guys!

Not so long ago I first bought myself Maybelline mascara. Everyone was so excited about this one, almost all youtuber love it and I find some great reviews on blogs too. It was obvious that I have to have this mascara.
What they claim:

Explosive Volume in Rocket Time!
8X Bigger. Smoother. Even.Now, the most explosive, beautiful lashes ever! Volum' Express The Rocket Mascara's patented Supersonic Brush with micro bristles loads on big, sleek volume instantly.
Our fast-glide formula keeps lashes smooth. 
Zero clumps!

And my opinion:

The formula is thick and wet consistency, so the first few days I hated the application, but then it thickens a little and it's perfect. 
The wand is one of those plastic type (not my favourite) that has plastic bristles but the end is actually flat? It's kind of weird and it doesn't make for coating the inner corner lashes very easy.
The wand is not super big and The bristles themselves are really great at separating the lashes, so you get thick dark lashes that aren't clumpy and awful. 

I don't have waterproof formula, but this one works just as great! It stays on lashes all day and it doesn't smear or flake or crumble.
So I always apply two coat of mascara, just 'cuz I like a little more mascara. I have my own volume and lenght, but no curl. And there is never too much of volume right? And it gives my lashes an extra volume, it clog them, but just a little bit, and it holds my curl well. 

The only think I hate about this mascara is removing. Why is so damn hard? I expected that my cleanser remove all my make up, so I don't need 1oo products to clean my face, and for this mascara is just not enough. It can be clean with Balea oil remover. 

So I like this mascara very much, but I hate the removing part! I would give it 8/10.

Hope you like my review. :) You'll see more of this stuff on myblog!

*products was bought from my money! My honest opinion!

XOXO, Anna

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  1. Sicer še nisem probala te maskare, ampak jo že en čas želim (ampak imam še veliko neodprtih maskar doma :S) .
    Drugače pa po izkušnjah z Maybelline maskarami, so večinoma vse tak vodene na začetku in šele čez nekaj časa postanejo fajne :D .. Niso pa tako vodene kot L'oreal Volume million lashes (groza...)

  2. Na začetku se je meni zdela obupna maskara, potem čez teden ali dva je bila pa perfektna in mi naredi kar lep volumen ter podaljšanje.

  3. Res jo je težko odstranit ja, ampak sem tako navdušena nad njo, da čisto pozabim na to :)

  4. Jaz pa te maskare še nisem probala, ker sem prebrala toliko razlilnih mnenj, nekaterim je všeč, nekaterim ne. Sem pa trenutno precej zadovoljna z Essence maskaro.

  5. Jaz je na začetku nisem marala, potem ko se je malo posušila je pa super ratala!

  6. Joj meni grejo tako na živce vse maskare na začetku, ko so mokre :D tale me tudi mika, ampak se zadržujem..:)

  7. I started thinking about buying this one too but I'll save my money....or maybe won't :D


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