**One day i'll wake up in Vegas**

sreda, november 23, 2011


AAAAaaaa yesterday was such a beautiful sunny day, so i finally had a chance to take some photos of this combination! I wear it already for a few time. Love it! I have the brown and violet polish from Re-mix your style too and its time that i try on this combo with brown polish! would you like to see it?
I had luck lately with this Essence TE, i get everything i want..oO
So for this mani i use Essence base coat, my Manhattan red polish and Essence Dance top coat from TE Re-mix your style-01 Waking up in Vegas, SV top coat..

So what do you think? Like it?
Please leave me a link to your post with Vaking up in Vegas, i would love to see your combination;))

XOXO, Anna

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  1. Super ti paše, na meni tako topla barva izgleda kot bruhanje >< Vegas je pa amejzing, itak :)

  2. lep lakec....pa o kakšnem sončku govoriš? Tukaj v Ljubljani se utapljamo v oblačkih in megli:(((

  3. Lušna kombinacija! Nekaj podobnega sem imela par dni nazaj. Zadnje čase je skoraj vedno Waking Up in Vegas na mojih nohtih XD

  4. Pink_diamond v Šoštanju je biu učeraj res lep sončen dan, danes pa megla in dež-.-
    Mateja res je lep, morem primerjavo z Goshu nardit, se mi zdi da nista čisto ista;)


Hvala za komentarje. Vedno preberem vse z velikim veseljem ♥
