I'm back or. Spring nails #6

ponedeljek, maj 28, 2012

How I hate this new blogger. I just can't find anything. And since this new blogger came i haven't write a post. And it is about time to write a new post.
I couldn't finish my spring challenge because I get sick and it was horrible. 
Since I ate antibiotics for 14 days, my nails went really bed. I mean bed bed. They chiped and brake all the time. I don't know what else to do, to have my nails back -.-". My polish looks nice on my nails for one day and then my nails chiped and my manicure went bed. Im so sad.. Do you have any advice for me?

Well enough moaning...Let me show you todays mani!

I bought myself a new base and top coat from OPI and I am using it all the time. ;)

On my nails: OPI nail envy, BarryM 295-Pure Turquoise, Catrice 270--blue my mind!, OPI RapiDry RopCoat.

I love this BarryM polish but sadly it is the only one I own. I have to buy some more! What colors are must haves?

I see I have some new followres, welcome to my blog**. And for all my old ones, thank you for not giving up on me! I love you<3

And expect new post about my favorite products right now really soon!

XOXO, Anna

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  1. Luštna manikura, super se prelivata barvi :)
    MORAŠ imeti Racing Green in Dusky Mauve :D Če ti je všeč oranžna, pa še Block Orange. :D Drugi odtenki so tudi krasni, ampak prva dva sta pa uf! :D

  2. Barry M ma res veik lepih odtenkov. Meni je Straberry ice cream zakon, mlečo roza. In pa gold foil :D

  3. ful lušna kombinacija! js si tud moram omislt kakšn barry m lak, nimam še nobenga.. :)

  4. Beautiful manicure! From Barry M, I like Indigo, Blue Moon and Berry Ice Cream

  5. Lepo, in WB ;) Jaz sem se tudi težko navadla na novo obliko :S


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