Most worn make up in 2012.

petek, januar 18, 2013

Hei lovlies.
I wear make up only for work, for my free time I fell most comfortable without it. But then again I feel sometimes to put more make up then the other day. Most of the time I wear foundation, blush and mascara. And then it comes the day like yesterday, when I don't work and I have all day just for myself and I feel creative and I put some more make up on. It really depends and that's why I can't write a post like my everyday make up routine which was requested from some girl. And here are my most worn make up products in 2012. Or my holy grail make up.:D

 Revlon colorstay in 150 i use this one for oily skin, because it feels beter on my skin then the normal skin version. I have this foundation now for 3 years in my make up bag. Its the best make up discovered!
I have a lot of powders and I use them randomly, but at this moment I rediscovered Maybelline Affinitone and it works great with colorstay.
Essence sun club bronzer is probably the only bronzer I owned and that's why I use it. Its maybe a little bit to orange for me, but not that much that people around me would notice. Have any idea what bronzer suits good with really pale skin?
ELF blush in pink passion is the best blush in my collection. It gives me that naturally pink blush effect. Great for my pale skin.
For powder I use my ELF complexion brush and for bronzer and blush I use ELF blush brush. For foundation I use my fingers.
 Sleek Oh so special is definitely the product I use all the time for natural look on eyes. Matte white and dark brown are the best!
If I feel a little more sparkly but steel natural I woud go with W'n'W walking on eggshels trio.
And If I wear a little bit more make up I always use my High beam for a little healthy glow on my cheeks.
For eyes write now I have Bourjois Volume glamour ultra black mascara it's great mascara, but my favourite is definitely 2000calories.
For eyeliner I use Essence sun club 100% splash proof eyeliner pen and for watherline I use Bourjois khol&contour ultra black it stays there for a really long time.
Sometimes I use Essence kajal pencil in 08 teddy, for more natural/brown look.
My favourite everyday lipstick is ELF seductive, great lipstick and really cheap! A lot of time I wear Essence  Coralize me too.
My favourite lip glosses are Bourjois 3D effect gloss in Rose lyrics and Catrice which i can't tell name.

This are my favourite make up products.

I would love to hear yours!

My yesterdays make up. And new lip piercing. I can finally show you ;)

and eyes a little closer.

Can you see that I am no longer red head? It's Blonde back in game!! :))

XOXO, Anna

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  1. So many prettiest :) elf's corslize lipstick looks really lovely!

    One makeup favorite I recently discover are the msybelline cokorsensational vividly lipsticks and the revlon colorstay whipped foundation

  2. Elfova šminka je res ena najboljših. Zelo lep MU, paše ti. :D

  3. Awww love this kind of post! I want to try this foundation so bad but it's so difficult to find the lighter shades here in Italy :( And I'm also jealous of the Wet 'n wild eyeshadows, I've heard great things about them!

    1. Thank you.
      I feel you. I know that when I was in Italy I found out that you have even less shades than we have. I only find 2 foundation in Slo that matches my skin. Its sad. Hate that dark skin trend! ;)

  4. Lep MU. <3 Js sem tudi naročila eno WNW paleto, upam da mi bo všeč :)

    1. Hvala.
      Pomoje, da ti bo, ker so vsi navdušeni nad njimi :) Kje so tisti časi, ko se je še pri nas dalo dobit WNW.. :/

  5. ful si lepo nrdila črto... lep MU... Pa BLOND ti paše :) mi je lepše kot rdeče :) Kaj pa pirsing? a je fejst bolel?

    1. Ooooo hvala!
      Ti pirsingi na obrazu baje sploh ne bolijo. Čutiš ko ti z iglo prebode, mal zaskeli(podobno kot pri jemanju krvi) potem pa se sam moreš navadit, da je tam. Jaz sem se kasneje 2x zahaklala z njim ob oblačila, pa pri pranju obraza, pa je zalo zabolelo, ampak ni blo hudega :)

  6. It's such a shame that ELF isn't being sold in Slovenia :(

  7. Nice blog :) Se da še kje u slo. kupit wet n wild kozmetiko ali samo prek neta? :(

  8. Predivno! Mislim da ću kupiti Sleek pletu! :)


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