It's a new year. But it's not new me!

četrtek, januar 10, 2013

Hei guys!
I was so busy this holidays that I just couldn't find time to write a post. Just if i tell you that I work for 16 hours on 31.12 it's enough right?
And now is a perfect time to write some post because I have to study :)
For 2013 I wish my followers this:

May the 13 be your lucky number!
I know that this is going to be my year again!

And never forget on this simple 7 rules:
And remember that you have to have some rain in your life simply because:
Always take risks!

And I dare you to be just you for one day!

And just like in 2012, this won't change even in 2013! We are just going to keep kalm and pain our nails! 

And there is no better color for nails, for me, than a red for a new start! With a little bit of gold. Perection .

And the most important, be thankful for all the good stuff in your life!
And big thanks to all my followers/readers to be so amazing! You can't imagine how much I am thankfull for every view and comment I get! Thank you for being with me for one more year! Lots of love <3 p="p">
XOXO, Anna

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  1. Želim ti prekrasno leto 2013, naj bo po tvojih željah. :D
    Manikura pa je prekrasna. :D


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