Its time for PINK nail polish

sobota, junij 11, 2011

Hey lovlies.
I know...a quite long time is pass from my last post, but i just haven't have any time to write a post,becasue at school is crazy, a looot for studying. And a lot of exams. Crazy! I have some time now, and here are some photo of my nails. Im wearing my S-he nail whitener base coat, two layers of essence-Flashy pink and CG top coat, btw i really like this top coat.

Weather is great! Sunny and it was so easy to capture the real color. I love this nail polish isn't such a great color, but unfortunately this shade ist avaible anymore.

How are you my dear readers? hope you have fun;)

I'll talk to you soon;)

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  1. to je pa moj najljubši lakec:) ..obstojen, prekriven, ima super čopič...:) uh:) hehe

  2. what a pretty pink. i love it .. please follow =]


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