NOTD: Pin up

četrtek, marec 26, 2015

As all of you may know, red is my favourite colour and when I am in doubt, what to put on my nails, the red is always an answer. And to add a little bit of a white dots, that's a winning combination for me. This manicure look is probably one of my favourite and I can wear red any season. Of course I take a pic in a combination with one of my favourite hand creams, and the second one is outside on a sun.

I used: Essie Millionails Base coat, the red polish is form Make up Factory in shade Pin up Red, I made dots with white Essence polish called Wild White Ways and for the end Make up Factory Instant top coat.
I must say that this polish is first one from Make up Factory range and I am pretty impressed. It could be one coater easily and on my nails didn't chip that easily. I love the consistency and polish. The application is super easy. It dries pretty quickly in super glossy finish. This one is definitely not the last one from MUF.

I would love to hear what do you think about this manicure.
And I am curious what colour is on your nails at the moment? I need some ideas for my next one.

Have a lovely evening!

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  1. Meni je všečna kombinacije, pike lepo popestrijo manikuro in so pika na i za spomladanske dneve :) sama trenutno nosim bolj nežno različico neon roza :)

  2. O kako kjut <3 Še kakšna črna pentljica bi pristajala zraven, pa bi imela potem manikuro v stilu Mini Miške :)

    1. Hvala Mateja. <3
      Jaaa se strinjam, ampak tisto je že too much risanja zame, pomojem. Bi mogla probat, ni slaba ideja;)


Hvala za komentarje. Vedno preberem vse z velikim veseljem ♥
