I mixed Bright Magenta with a little bit of Violet Orchid Microglitter

nedelja, februar 12, 2012

Well I'm just too exited to try only one new polish at the time. And then I was playing with the new ones and I picked up this two gorgeous colors and put them together in one manicure. It just happen to be around Valentines day, so it's perfect for my idea of Valentines day manicure :)
And here it is:

First I put on this gorgeous bright pink color with a tinny, tinny shimmer... I think this is going to be one of my favourite summer colors this year! I think it's perfect for toes!
And by the way it's called BRIGHT MAGENTA! Again perfect name. Good job Kiko!

And then i just added a little bit of Violet Orchid Microglitter, well again name told you everything about color of this polish ;)

Would you like to see it on it's own?

I really like this manicure (like every o.O).

And I'm just obsessly looking Pretty Little Liars and I'm in love with Aria's and Hanna's nails. Maybe I recreated one. Watching PLL?

Have fun!
XOXO, Anna

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  1. omg katera popolna pink in popoln nanos!!! big lajk!!

  2. Joooj, ne govori...kolegica mi je omenila tole serijo (PLL) in sem itak začela gledat :) trenutno sem na začetku 2.sezone!

    Oba laka sta mi fuuul lepa <3

    1. Ufff me zanima kako dolgo bo še trajalo, da zvemo kdo je A. Drugače sem pa ravno pogledla 19 del 2 sezone, komi čakam nou del! Btw še veš za kakšno podobno serijo? Z VD sem tudi obsedena :))


  3. fel lepa kombinacija:) js sm tud trenutno u "stanju" ko bi nevem kok lakov skup skombinirala,heh :)


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