NEW! Catrice Chrused Crystals- Call me princes

torek, januar 28, 2014


Okay I am in LOVE. Srsly. When I saw promo photos from Catrice, this product got my attention, But let me say I was a little skeptical, If this polish can really be such a beauty in real life.
And here is answer, it can be more gorgeous than we can imagine. :)
I think this is a must have for spring and summer!
A perfect pink base with a lot of gold crushed crystals :) 
Catrice well done! ♥

 This one is caled Call me Princess.. I mean what a perfect name! :)

Is out there any one who don't like this gorgeous? C'mon srsly, look one more time! :))

The application was perfect, polish has a great coverage with just one coat. But for more crushed crystals effect add one more coat!
And don't use top coat! :)

Now I just hope it has a great staying power, that it won't chip fast. 

Now I need the red one too!

Stay tuned for more new Catrice stuff!

Stay gorgeous! Anna♥

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  1. Js se pa nikakor ne morem odločit, al so mi všeč tile al ne :D Bom ga mogla kupit, da se na lastne oči prepričam :D

  2. Danes sem videla tale lak in se zaljubila na prvi pogled :D Noro lep in kot vidim tudi na nohtih (:


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