To the new beginnings ♥

ponedeljek, januar 06, 2014

Well this is a different post.
My blog will soon be 4 years old. Can you believe it? 4 years!
Yes 4 years of blogging. I learned a lot trough this years.
I achieved a lot. In numbers that would be: 
-262 blog posts
-263 GFC follower
-76284 bolgs views 
And I know that this won't seems like a lot to you, but to me, means a lot!
Thank you for every view, every comment it means so much to me. I am so thankful everyone who stayed with me, even though I had some long breaks from bloging. I just don't find time to post regularly, but this is going to change. I am going to stick to my monthly plan for bloging and I already write some post in advance.
In all 4 years I never reach 100 posts in a year. Can I beat this number this year? Well I hope so!
I am going to post more reviews, more skin care advice, started to write more about my hair care, etc. Not just nail photos! I am going to be better bloger this year! Promise!

Well I do have one big problem. Ever since I started this blog, I never came up with a name that I would really like for blog, or the names was already taken. Anna beauty blog..Srsly? srsly? yes-.-" That's all what my imagination can do with a names. 
And I am asking you for a help, I hate my blog name, really hate it! And I need your help.
Can you suggest me some names? Pretty please!

I will give you a little price if I choose your suggestion!

Yes I am not going to do usual giveaway.
I am asking you for a big favour, and for that I am going to send you little something.
You just need to post some ideas for my blog's name, and the name I will choose will win.
Simple as that!
I ask you if you can spread the word. Post this on your facebook, twitter, maybe mention in your blog post?
Can you do this for me please ♥
And if you read all this, i am very thankful! Thank you, you beautiful person!

Here is a picture of what you will get, for motivation.

So I really need your help, I just don't like my name right now, and I need a new one, for a new beginnings!

Thank you♥Love you all!

Stay gorgeous! Anna

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  1. Novo leto je res najboljši čas za nove začetke :) Kaj pa kar AnnCheek? :)

  2. Čestitam:) In upam, da res kaj več napišeš:) Moj blog bo pa marca praznoval 4 leta in sem ga tudi eno obdobje malce zanemarjala:) Midve sva pomoje glih nekje isti čas začele pisat :) Vedno rada berem tvoje objave. res pa je, da redko komentiram:)

  3. congrats!! I'm writing since December 2011 and I loved every minute of it! Writing blog is hard but it's definitely worth it :)
    what do you think about Anna-belle? :)

  4. Super blog, ga redno spremljam, komentiram prvič :). Predlogi za ime bloga, mogoče ti bo kateri všeč: Bottomless beauty, GlamAnn(a), Mint cAnndy (glede na to, da si ta odtenek izbrala za najljubšega :)). Čestitke ob obletnici, in le tako naprej, se veselim novih objav.

  5. predlog: Simply Anna, Perfectly Polished, Oh my blush blog.
    Drugače pa čestitke, to je kr fajna obletnica ! :) Pa še kar naprej tolk lepih objav in blogganja ti želim :)


Hvala za komentarje. Vedno preberem vse z velikim veseljem ♥
