NOTD-Summer nails

sobota, julij 21, 2012

I am so bad whet it comes to write a title for my blog post. I have no idea what to write. So that's why I have so boring titles.

I can't believe it's raining again, and it's cold.. What a shity summer.! And just so I can't be outside I have more time for doing my nails, and yesterday I did konad again! ;) So glad.
I pick up a polish called Am I Blue Or Green? it's a gorgeous color from Catrice. And even if it's pastel I have no trouble with application. I simply love this polish!

But it's interesting that this polish never attracted my attention in shop. I'm so glad I got it for present in a magazin 'cuz I simply love it now! You can't say you don't like this color, Am I right?

And its perfect base for konad. It look so gorgeous with white pattern. 
Awww I like it so much! This will be on my nails for a few more days! hope it will survive my job!

What do you think?

Have fun Dolls**
XOXO, Anna

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  1. Tale Catrice lak je moj najljubši svetlo moder lak, preprosto obožujem ga. S konadom pa izgleda odlično. :)

    1. Taya sva že dve. Eden redkih pastelnih, ki ne dela problemov z nanosom. Pa lepa barva je. V steklenički je sicer šimrasta, samo jaz ga potem na nohtih ne opazim.

  2. Js mam tut ful rada tale lakec, krasen je :) Pa lep Konad! x

  3. ful lep lakec <3 ne vem zakaj ga še nimam ;)


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