It was a nice hot summer day. +NOTD

petek, julij 20, 2012

Hei Lovlies**

There's no other good start of a day than with a good coffe.
And when I came from job I went on a walk. I leave near to lake, forest so I have a lot of nice places for relaxing and jogging.
 Nice tree and wheat in the back.
 The way ..
 Šoštanj city and the castle on a left.
 The deepest lake in Slovenia.


 My summer haircut.
And in the end of a day. White ice tea. <3

My nails:

Bourjois 1second in 08 Bleu water. One of the prettiest polishes for summer.

Well that was my day. I had a great time! 
Soon on my blog more make up posts. Are you ready ;)?

XOXO, Anna

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