Pupa Magnetic Nail Polish

četrtek, januar 05, 2012

Just a quick post. Im in hurry i had to go working in an hour and im still in my pajamas ;) I'm ill again :(. I have no idea what to do, to get more healthy.

Anyway i just want to show you this gorgeous i bought recently in Sephora ;) Its From Pupa and it is Magnetic Nail polish in 29-Magnetic Violet.
In this kit you get one polish and two magnets for a good price ;) I think it was about 10€ ;)
Its such an beautiful effect, but i ruind my with Top coat, but anyway it looks good ;)

Do you like it?

Btw which Kiko polish you want to see first? Dark, red or shimmery red :P

XOXO, Anna

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  1. Aaah, kok kul! Ful si želim sprobat magnetne lakce, ker tole zgleda res hudo. :) Najprej bi vidla shimmery rdečo prosim hvala <3

  2. Zelo lep efekt. Imam Essence in Alessandro magnetne lakce, ampak jih redko uporabljam, ker se mi Essencovi okrušijo že isti dan, Alessandrov pa je tako gost, da se mi skoz razlije po obnohtni kožici ali pa razmaže na magnetu.

  3. I have one of these magnetic polishes by Deborah in green but I haven't tried it yet...I actually like it this colour better :) Now I'm curious to try it too!


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